Category: Action & Advocacy

San Francisco deserves a great Biking and Rolling plan. Tell SFMTA the time is now!

A livable city is a biking city. Biking is a healthy, green, affordable, and enjoyable way to get places. Making cities safe and comfortable places to bike for people of all ages and abilities is key to making them sustainable. The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is finishing a Biking and Rolling Plan, which…

Mission Green Cultural Zone Planning Project

Mission Green Cultural zone Planning Project The Green Cultural Zone (GCZ) initiative aims to advance environmental justice, climate resiliency, and health equity in San Francisco’s northern Mission District. The GCZ will engage Native, Latino, and other disadvantaged residents to co-create strategies that transform urban spaces through green infrastructure, traffic calming, and public space activation. The…

November 2024 election wrap-up

All the votes are counted for the November 2024 election, one of the most consequential in recent times for the direction of our City and the country.

Twin Peaks Plan Draft Report Presentation & Feedback Session

Give input on the Twin Peaks Plan Draft Report! Join this public meeting on November 23, 2024 from 10:30am-12:30pm. Livable City is undertaking a planning effort for Twin Peaks, in partnership with the American Indian Cultural District, Association of Ramaytush Ohlone, and The Cultural Conservancy, and Robin Chiang and Associates. Scan the QR code to…

Vote Yes on Prop K to create Ocean Beach Park

On November 5th, San Francisco voters can decide to create a permanent public park along Ocean Beach. Ocean Beach is currently a city park, but our enjoyment of the beach is limited by the four-lane highway which runs through it, severing the City from our western shore. Proposition K will amend the City’s Parks Code…

Vote yes on Prop L, the ComMUNIty Transit Act, for better Muni

Proposition L, the ComMUNIty Transit Act is headed to the ballot box this November, after volunteers gathered over 17,800 signatures to put the measure on the ballot. If approved it will provide another $30 million annually for better Muni service. The measure will increase the City’s gross receipts business tax on ride hail companies, including Uber and Lyft,…

Twin Peaks Planning Workshop & Survey: July 13, 2024

Shaping the Future of Twin Peaks: Save the Date for Community Workshop on Saturday, July 13Join us for a community workshop to help plan Twin Peaks’ public spaces! Share with us how you use and experience Twin Peaks now, what you would like to see conserved and improved, and explore options for a visitors center, access, connections,…

A plan for Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is one of San Francisco’s best-known public spaces. It has been a City landmark for centuries. When surveyor Jasper O’Farrell laid out Market Street in 1847 he aligned it to Twin Peaks. It is a popular spot with visitors as well as locals and immediate neighbors. Twin Peaks is also one of the…

Better Block for a Better Valencia

Valencia Street is one of the City’s liveliest commercial and residential streets, and a popular place to walk. It’s one of the most important cycling routes in the City, second only to Market Street. It’s in a transit-rich neighborhood, served by two BART stations, frequent Mission Street transit, and several crosstown bus routes. It even…

2022 in review: progress towards livability

2022 is nearly behind us. The lingering pandemic, political rancor and scandal, and economic uncertainty dominated the local news. Despite all the tumult and uncertainty, Livable City worked hard to help San Francisco take some important steps towards a more livable, just, and sustainable San Francisco. Join us in reflecting on and celebrating what we…

Get in Touch

Staff Directory

Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director
[email protected]

Jessica Tovar, Program Director
[email protected]

Sally Chen, Deputy Director
[email protected]

Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow
[email protected]

Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager [email protected]

Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate,