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- M-F 9:30am-6:30pm
Open Streets Programs > Sunday Streets
See what San Franciscans have to say about Sunday Streets and Phoenix Day and share your own story from the season in the form below! For more information, visit https://sundaystreetssf.com/
In a neighborhood with limited open space, the event gave residents and kids a chance to enjoy a day of walking and bicycling on safe streets and gave neighborhood organizations a chance to engage with the community in meaningful ways.
Director of Inviting Space, Tenderloin Community Benefit District
It’s been thrilling to witness how quickly a city block can be transformed into a lively playground, community center, or a family learning space. And it seems to take most kids no time at all to recognize that this space is for them. More than once I’ve seen a child pull their parent off the sidewalk, away from whatever errand they were on, and into the street–to play a game, read a book, ride a bike, or build a tower.
SFUSD Libraries Mobile Reading Room
Livable City gave us a special opportunity to heal and bond during the pandemic, and the impact was immediate. We can’t think of a better way for the Asian community to connect, especially with the Asian elders. We can’t wait to do more of these events!
Founder & Executive Director, Asians Are Strong
We’re a relatively new business on Valencia Street, and Phoenix Day helped increase our business that day by 20-40%. I liked that street closure allowed more people to enjoy the streets.
Sanguchon Eatery
Our Phoenix Day block party was a wonderful opportunity to (re)connect with our neighbors and come together in celebration. While the event lasted for just one afternoon, the relationships we forged in the planning process have strengthened our sense of community. We’re looking forward to more!
Block Party host, District 9
Taking neighborhoods one by one and bringing family oriented activities is just what the doctor ordered – to have joy, love, peace and freedom to create or envision a day in which the community residents, organizations, etc have the ability to transform the streets into a big playground for everyone to enjoy.
Western Addition
"Helping to create a livable San Francisco for everyone!"
2024 Livable City. All rights reserved.
Staff Directory
Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director
[email protected]
Jessica Tovar, Program Director
[email protected]
Sally Chen, Deputy Director
[email protected]
Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow
[email protected]
Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager [email protected]
Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate, reina@livablecity.org