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Action & Advocacy
Sunday Streets
Open Street Programs
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Working to make A livable San Francisco for all

Livable City works to empower and inspire San Franciscans to co-create an equitable, healthy, and joyful future.

A San Francisco where environmentally-friendly forms of transportation like walking and biking are accessible, people have affordable housing and meaningful work in neighborhoods that are economically and culturally vital, and public spaces are healthy, green, and biodiverse.

Working to make A livable San Francisco for all

Livable City works to create a San Francisco of great streets and complete neighborhoods, where walking, bicycling, and transit are the best choices for most trips, where public spaces are beautiful, well-designed, and well-maintained, and where housing is more plentiful and more affordable.

We Take Action

Livable City engages San Francisco in three ways – as the City’s livability advocate, as the City’s Open Streets provider, and as a people’s planner.

San Franciscans reclaiming open streets in 2023
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Lifetime Events
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Annual Community Partnerships
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Amazing Annual Volunteers
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Upcoming Events & Advocacy

2025 Sunday Streets Stay Tuned for our Season Launch Party!

Spring 2025
Location TBD

Sunday Streets is San Francisco’s open streets program with an annual season of events that reclaim car-congested streets for community health, transforming them into car-free spaces for all to enjoy. Event routes are 1-4 miles in length, with fun, free activities provided by local nonprofits, community groups and small businesses.

SFMTA Biking & Rolling Plan - Access for All

Spring 2025

Let the SFMTA know you support a strong biking and rolling plan, with a safe, continuous, and Citywide all-ages and all-abilities network built to the best standards within five years. You can add your voice by emailing the SFMTA board, or speaking up for better biking and rolling at the SFMTA board meeting.

Twin Peaks Plan Final Review

March 2025

Thank you for your feedback and input on the future of Twin Peaks, including what you would like to see conserved and improved in the years to come. Our team is hard at work finalizing recommendations to submit to the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development and will release the final report soon.

Become a volunteer

All ages welcome!

Join Us Today

Goal 7500 Followers

Sunday Streets Social Media Boost

Help us reach more neighbors and friends on Instagram - our next goal post is 7500 followers! The most effective form of outreach is word-of-mouth, so consider sharing a post on your feed to let people know what you're looking forward to this year with the 2025 season of Sunday Streets!

Goal 250 Open Streets volunteers

Bringing Open Streets to San Francisco in 2025

Sunday Streets transforms miles of city streets into car-free community spaces for kids to play, seniors to stroll, businesses and organizations to connect, and neighbors to meet. We need volunteers for a variety of roles on event-day, including crossing guards, block captains, hub support, survey-takers, and more.

$200,000 Goal

Powering our Policy & Advocacy for Complete Streets & Livable Neighborhoods

In 2025, Livable City will be expanding our policy and advocacy work in key areas that affect livability in San Francisco, including housing affordability and development, to more everyday people in the city. We need your help to grow this critical work.


Love Nature, Save Nature, And Stay Close To Nature

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Join us Today

Many thanks to our Partners and Sponsors

Get in Touch

Staff Directory

Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director
[email protected]

Jessica Tovar, Program Director
[email protected]

Sally Chen, Deputy Director
[email protected]

Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow
[email protected]

Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager [email protected]

Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate,