For many decades, transportation planning in San Francisco was focused almost entirely on the automobile, and walking, cycling, and public transit were marginalized. We need to put sustainable modes at the center of our transportation plans, and replace “predict and provide” models of traffic and parking planning with ones that take into account the potential of better pricing and management, and that strengthen the role of alternatives to the private automobile.

It’s a truism that land use planning and transportation planning are inseparable, but in practice, transportation planning in San Francisco lags far behind land development. San Francisco needs to commit to the plans it has already made, and commit to planning, and building, needed neighborhood transportation improvements.

Many of the biggest new developments planned or under construction – Mission Bay, Hunters Point Shipyard, and Treasure Island –  are throwbacks to the automobile-centered planning of the last decade, and need to be re-thought if they are to contribute to a more livable and sustainable San Francisco.

Big buildings with large parking structures and parking lots Mission Bay.
Big buildings with large parking structures and parking lots along 4th Street in Mission Bay.

Sustainability also needs to be at the heart of our planning. Land Use and transportation plans must address climate protection, pollution and waste reduction, preserving and restoring biodiversity and habitat, and stewarding urban waters and restoring the health of our streams, lakes, groundwater, wetlands, bay, and ocean.

In the 19th century, public health was at the center of land use planning, and we are working to restore planning’s focus on improving mental and physical health.

Land use and transportation planning should support a diverse and robust city economy, which allows local businesses and sustainable manufacturing to thrive in San Francisco.

Plans must also address equity. Land use planning must address San Francisco’s housing affordability crisis, neighborhood plans should plan for equitable access to transportation, open space and parks, community facilities, and essential services. Our transportation plans must ensure sustainable mobility for all San Franciscans, while preventing the burden of our transportation choices, including traffic danger, noise, pollution, and degraded public spaces, to continue to fall on San Francisco’s poorest and least automobile-dependent neighborhoods.

Planning tends to focus on the material and quantifiable, but livability includes important qualitative factors that ought not be marginalized. Our planning should focus on, and foster, greater happiness. As we plan the future of our neighborhoods, their beauty, history, and character must be taken into account.

Current Projects

View of Market Street at Octavia from the Central Freeway
View of Market Street at Octavia from the Central Freeway

Get in Touch

Staff Directory

Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director
[email protected]

Jessica Tovar, Program Director
[email protected]

Sally Chen, Deputy Director
[email protected]

Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow
[email protected]

Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager [email protected]

Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate,