Sunday Streets Update 3.5.20

At the time of this release, the San Francisco Department of Public Health is not generally recommending the rescheduling of public events in San Francisco and as such, Sunday Streets SF Mission on March 8th, 2020 will be taking place as scheduled.

Per CDC and SFDPH recommendations, the following COVID-19 protocols are in place for the event:

  • All Livable City staff and volunteers are advised to cancel their attendance if they are experiencing any of the most common symptoms of COVID-19 infection, which are fever, coughing, and/or shortness of breath, and call their doctor immediately.
    • Partners and exhibitors are advised to release the same advisory to their onsite staff scheduled for Sunday Streets. Please notify us immediately of cancellation due to sickness and no later than 8:00am on event-day to help us plan for equipment. No show and late cancellation fees have been waived, but we are unable to issue refunds for cancellations at this time.
  • We have a designated quarantine site and medical response protocol with our emergency medical provider, Special Medical Aid, in the event that someone reports COVID-19 symptoms to Livable City or medical staff while onsite.
  • Additional handwashing stations will be placed by the portable toilets with instructions on handwashing best practices for COVID-19 infection.
  • Information sheets about COVID-19 Infection and hand sanitizer will be available at the information booth.

Please support our most vulnerable populations during this time by staying informed of the latest COVID-19 infection advisories from San Francisco Department of Public Health and the CDC at

Get in Touch

Staff Directory

Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director
[email protected]

Jessica Tovar, Program Director
[email protected]

Sally Chen, Deputy Director
[email protected]

Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow
[email protected]

Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager [email protected]

Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate,