Livable City Joins Broad-based Effort to Legalize Existing In-Law Units

On November 26, Livable City joined Supervisor David Chiu and a broad coalition of advocates to announce new legislation to legalize existing in-law units across San Francisco. In-law units house thousands of San Franciscans, and are an important housing resource in an increasingly expensive city. Certain decades-old Planning Code requirements, chiefly the code’s arbitrary residential density…

Corner Retail and Secure Bicycle Parking Legislation Approved

Two ordinances, Sponsored by Supervisor David Chiu with Livable City, became law on September 1. One ordinance exempts secure bicycle parking in buildings from Floor-Area Ratio (FAR) limits. Currently automobile parking is exempt, and this change will provide parity for bicycle parking, creating an incentive for both voluntarily providing secure bicycle parking, and for providing…

Livable Neighborhoods Initiative

A livable San Francisco is a network of Livable Neighborhoods. Each neighborhood should have a distinct character, but each should be complete, supporting living, working, commerce, and culture. Livability Goals Advance Priority Transportation and Public Space Projects: Work with neighbors and city agencies to get priority transportation and public space improvements in neighborhoods designed, funded and…

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Staff Directory

Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director

Jessica Tovar, Program Director

Sally Chen, Deputy Director

Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow

Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager

Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate,