Category: Livable Neighborhoods

Sponsor Spotlight: Robin Chiang & Company

Robin Chiang, seated at one of his favorite Hainan chicken restaurants We are so excited to shine a spotlight on one of Livable City’s long-time supporters and collaborators, Robin Chiang & Company! We sat down with Robin for a conversation about how he became interested in environmental design, architecture, and public infastructure. Graduating from San…

Livable City Receives Community Alliance Award from Center for Architecture & Design

Livable City received the Community Alliance Award, which recognizes significant contributions to the improvement of the Bay Area’s built environment, particularly through raising public’s consciousness of the importance of excellent design in the shaping of our world and culture. Thank you to the Center for Architecture & Design for this honor! Check out the other awardees and…

Over 7000 families across San Francisco received a special holiday meal from the 5th Annual Feeding 5000

Over 7000 families across San Francisco received a special holiday meal from the 5th Annual Feeding 5000 Hundreds of volunteers came together on a rainy Saturday morning (with a tornado warning, no less!) and helped distribute turkeys and produce boxes this past December – spirits were high, music was blasting, and everyone went home with…

Bringing back the ‘Harlem of the West’ – an unforgettable Third Annual Fillmore Holiday Night Market!

Bringing back the ‘Harlem of the West’ – an unforgettable Third Annual Fillmore Holiday Night Market! Over 3000 attendees kept the party rolling – there was something for everyone all across the Fillmore.    The theme of the night was abundance: of food, laughter, and joy. This year’s market featured free cookies and hot chocolate,…

Sponsor the Fillmore Holiday Night Market – December 20, 2024

Fillmore Holiday Night Market – Friday December 20, 2024 In the 1950s hundreds of black-owned businesses made the Historic Fillmore a vibrant, multicultural community with one of the most prominent jazz scenes on the West Coast. Urban redevelopment in the ’70s pushed many businesses out, but today community entrepreneurs, neighbors and activists are hard at…

Vote Yes on Prop K to create Ocean Beach Park

On November 5th, San Francisco voters can decide to create a permanent public park along Ocean Beach. Ocean Beach is currently a city park, but our enjoyment of the beach is limited by the four-lane highway which runs through it, severing the City from our western shore. Proposition K will amend the City’s Parks Code…

THIS SUNDAY! Walk, bike, or roll out to Sunday Streets Excelsior

Get excited for Sunday Streets Excelsior this weekend on July 21st! 📢 Sunday Streets Excelsior brings dozens of family friendly activities, exhibitors, and more across a mile plus long route.  From 11 AM to 4 PM, on Mission St, between Avalon and Geneva Streets, meet your neighbors in dance, play, and fun in the sun. Enjoy free books and…

Twin Peaks Planning Workshop & Survey: July 13, 2024

Shaping the Future of Twin Peaks: Save the Date for Community Workshop on Saturday, July 13Join us for a community workshop to help plan Twin Peaks’ public spaces! Share with us how you use and experience Twin Peaks now, what you would like to see conserved and improved, and explore options for a visitors center, access, connections,…

San Francisco’s Second Annual Juneteenth Parade: RSVP Now!

SF Juneteenth Committee Brings Back the 2nd Annual Parade on Market Street The highly anticipated Second Annual San Francisco Juneteenth Parade is sponsored by the Dream Keeper Initiative, in partnership with the City & County of San Francisco. Building on decades of neighborhood-based planning and open streets activation, the nonprofit Livable City will be leading…

TODAY: Sunday Streets Mission!

On July 30th from 11 am – 4 pm, enjoy car-free Valencia St from Duboce Ave to 26th St.  North Hub Activity HighlightsMarketplace with free performances and community resources hosted by the American Indian Cultural Center • Mission Housing Valencia Gardens Block Party with bounce houses & more. American Indian Cultural Center Program and MarketplaceAll Nations Drums…

Get in Touch

Staff Directory

Darin Ow-Wing, Executive Director
[email protected]

Jessica Tovar, Program Director
[email protected]

Sally Chen, Deputy Director
[email protected]

Tom Radulovich, Senior Policy Fellow
[email protected]

Isaac Santiago, Sunday Streets Program Manager [email protected]

Reina Terry, Program & Development Associate,