Livable City is proud to announce it is a recipient of the Just Transit SF grant. The grant was administered by the 11th Hour Project, a program of the Schmidt Family Foundation. Livable City, in partnership with Lyft, and in coordination with SFMTA, Caltrain, and other agencies and stakeholders, will immediately begin work to reduce the dangerous congestion at San Francisco’s Caltrain Depot.

Livable City and Lyft are partnering to streamline multiple modes of transportation at the Caltrain depot by designating loading zones with signage, curb loading markings, and in-app prompts for taxi and rideshare riders and drivers.“Livable City is thrilled to lead this project, which will have an immediate, positive impact on all users near the Caltrain depot,” says Executive Director Tom Radulovich. “By focusing on low-cost design changes, we’ll make the area safer and faster for Muni riders, walkers and cyclists, and taxis, rideshares, and employee shuttles.”