Location & Project History

Treat Plaza is located at the intersection of Treat Ave, 16th St and Harrison St. The Treat Plaza site originally grew out of the larger 22 Fillmore/16th Street Muni Forward and streetscape design project that provided an opportunity for the City to also meet ongoing requests for active and vibrant public spaces in the neighborhood.
Community engagement for design of the plaza was conducted in 2016 and 2017 and informed the final design that is in place today. Construction of the project finished in December 2021 and an official opening for the plaza is slated for February 2022 after sidewalk lighting has been installed.
Public Works, SF Planning, and SFMTA are the agency leads for the plaza and adjacent streetscape improvements.
Programming & Stewardship
To help the plaza become a vibrant community hub, SF Planning has engaged the nonprofit Livable City to provide maintenance and programming and to organize a community of stewards to oversee the site into the future. Programming at the plaza will begin in March 2022 and is being planned in collaboration with nearby residents, small businesses, nonprofits, and cultural institutions.
Livable City is currently conducting two surveys to help guide the programming and stewardship of Treat Plaza – please submit your feedback and share,
En español: Programación y administración
Para ayudar a que la plaza se convierta en un centro comunitario vibrante, SF Planning ha contratado a la organización nonprofit (sin fines de lucro) Livable City para brindar mantenimiento, programación y organizar una comunidad de administradores para supervisar el sitio en el futuro. La programación en la plaza comenzará en marzo del 2022 y se planificará en colaboración con los residentes cercanos, los negocios y empresas pequeños, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y las instituciones culturales.
Livable City está realizando dos encuestas para ayudar a guiar la programación y la administración de Treat Plaza. Envía tus comentarios y participa en las siguientes encuestas:
Treat Plaza 社區廣場 – 訪客問卷
社區廣場 – 社區管理調查
為了幫助廣場成為一個充滿活力的社區中心與聚集點,舊金山公共工程局聘請了非營利機構宜居城市Livable City,為其提供維護和規劃,並集合一個社區管理組織來監督該廣場的未來。 廣場的規劃將於 2022 年 3 月開始,並正在與附近的居民、小商業、非營利組織和文化機構合作進行規劃。
這項調查,包括此問卷,由Livable City執行以便為未來規劃和管理計劃提供信息,並更好地滿足社區和廣場的需求。
Community Meetings — [Upcoming meetings to be announced]
Hello Community Members!
The nonprofit Livable City is excited to connect with you about your ideas for programming and stewardship of Treat Plaza over the coming year.
We can’t wait to build Treat Plaza into a vibrant community hub with you!
Treat Plaza Happenings
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Events!